CalerieKids® is passionate about helping all children who are at risk of having inadequate physical and mental health support. In order to do the most good, we want to partner with other charities and research institutions that share our goals for improving the health status of children so they can have a brighter and healthier future.

Through a partnership with CalerieKids®, organizations and institutions alike can increase the awareness of childhood malnutrition, inspire others through servant leadership, and help children not only in our local communities but across the globe with their physical and mental health.

How We Help

As a non-profit charitable program, CalerieKids® seeks to support the health and well-being of children in our communities who suffer from all forms of malnutrition. We also believe that mental health is important to supporting the overall well-being of children.

Currently, CalerieKids® does outreach in three major ways:
Establishing Meaningful Partnerships in Communities

Through donations, funding, and volunteer efforts, CalerieKids® helps extend the reach of other organizations focused on the health and wellbeing of children.

Together, CalerieKids® and these organizations can provide community support for children’s physical and mental health needs.

Donating Children’s Nutrition Products

CalerieKids® developed a nutrition product line specially tailored for kids to help address the micronutrient needs of children at risk for malnutrition.*

Our products help meet the nutritional gaps of deficiencies commonly found in at-risk children.

Contributing Financial Support

CalerieKids® not only contributes products and volunteer support, but we provide funding for charities and research organizations to complete projects or increase outreach efforts.

Visit our How We Help page to learn more about the ways in which the CalerieKids® Foundation helps children thrive.

Past Partnerships

CalerieKids® has worked with local non-profit organizations across Southern California to help address the mental and physical health needs of children and their families.*

Donations gifted from CalerieKids® make a difference!*

During Christmas time in 2021, CalerieKids® partnered with Miracles for Kids, a nonprofit based out of Southern California that supports financially struggling families with critically ill children. Through this partnership, CalerieKids® donated over 3,300 bottles of multivitamin gummy bears and made a gift donation that impacted over 300 families in the Miracles for Kids network.*

“Your support is making miracles for more than just the children who need our help - it is transforming the lives of over 300 families.” - Autumn Strier, Co-Founder & CEO of Miracles For Kids

Together We Rise is another organization that has partnered with CalerieKids®. Together We Rise is a nonprofit that helps youth in foster care systems across the country. CalerieKids® donated a gift of children’s supplements to help children who have dealt with neglect including nutritional neglect. According to Together We Rise, donations from CalerieKids® help set children up for a brighter future where their nutritional and health needs are better met.*

See some of our other events with local partners on our Events blog.

CalerieKids® actively partners with non-profit charities and research organizations as part of our mission to meet the nutrition and mental health needs of high-risk children across the world.

Nonprofit Organizations

The CalerieKids® Foundation can help extend the reach of your nonprofit’s impact on children and their communities.

In line with our mission to help children have a brighter future by meeting their nutrition needs, CalerieKids® partnered with organizations to provide specially-tailored multivitamins and fish oil supplements to children.*

CalerieKids® also provided financial donations to charities and nonprofits to increase the number of children able to reach vital physical and mental health resources within their community.*

In addition to financial and product donations, CalerieKids® takes an active role in charity events. Our volunteers have participated in local nonprofit events to increase awareness, distribute donated products, and assist the community directly.*

If you’re a nonprofit organization interested in partnering with CalerieKids® for events or other partnership opportunities, please contact us today.

Universities & Hospital Organizations

Research is paramount to discovering practices and interventions that can improve the health status of children. Proper funding of research can increase the speed at which projects are completed and advances in public health practices are realized.

CalerieKids® welcomes funding partnerships with research universities and hospitals conducting research on children’s health.

Contact us to discuss how a partnership with CalerieKids® can support your organization’s current research projects.

*This is a past event that took place under the CalerieKids' private foundation.